Friday, June 24, 2005

All about the Bats

Well, it's midday now and I've just woken up. A late night, I'm afraid. And no, it's not what you guys think. Definitely no nookie on my ISO's side. We both ( well, I did anyway ) slammed an embargo on that kinda hanky panky long ago - of course with some allowances for groping :)

Built without zingWe actually went for a late night movie - and managed to catch Batman Begins. I feel like the last person on earth who has seen it. And I have to admit that it does deserve the rave reviews. Never have I seen a movie so faithfully based on the comic book - and I'm pleased to see Bruce Wayne's tortured life fleshed out just as I imagined it.

Christian Bale plays the role of the Bat and I actually liked him in it ( unlike his predecessors ). I've always had an odd fascination for the tortured Bat but oddly enough none of the Batmen on screen have actually given me that particular zing. I got a zing from Hugh Jackman's Wolverine, I got a zing from Chris Evan's Human Torch and I definitely got a huge zing for Brad Pitt's Mr Smith but nothing from Christian Bale's Batman. Sure, he's cute, built, sexy and all... but no zing.

So that's about the only downside I can think of. Well, apart from the fact that Katie Holmes doesn't play a convincing district attorney. Please, she looks like she barely escaped from Dawson's Creek.


Anonymous said...

The only character from previous batman movies that i enjoyed was Jack Nicholson's Joker. All the others were blah.....


Brettcajun said...

Why no nookie? I am a new reader to your blog. Are you Ex lovers?

Jay said...

You're definitely not the last person to watch it - I still haven't!

I've always liked George Clooney in Batman Returns. Not because he was a good Batman, but because well, he's George Clooney.

In tights.


savante said...

Yeah, Brett, you're right. No nookie cause we're ex-lovers :)

Jay, you haven't seen it?! Go catch it now!


Joel said...

Yea, you weren't the last one...we saw it Saturday evening! I gave it rave reviews at my blog too though. Christian Bales...yum! Katie Holmes...has she graduated HS yet? How the hell coudl she be a DA???

savante said...

I know! She looks so young! A DA? She looks like she barely passed high school.
