Friday, July 01, 2005

I want blood

Something quite hilarious happened at work today... I know I shouldn't laugh about the poor lady but I just had to recount it here. I've heard of a fear of blood - and obviously we've all seen the effects replayed on the various medical dramas that we've seen. MEdical students swooning at the sight of blood and all that.

To tell the truth, I've actually never seen it in real life, well until today. A ( an overly anxious! ) lady came to me for a caesarean section with a whole litany of her complaints that I tried to drown out as much as I could. Apart from gagging her iwth my stethoscope, I didn't know what else to do. As she was complaining about the condition of her ward, I stealthily tried setting a brannula for her! Stunned by my obvious deceit, she shifted her arm and the brannula flew out - with some fresh red blood spurting of course. One sight of the bright scarlet stain on her skin was enough. Before I knew what was happening, her arm went limp, she made a gurgling sound and her eyeballs rolled upwards.

For a moment, I was secretly stunned but then I automatically reacted by giving her two deliberate slaps to my nurse's amazement ( since I actually abhor violence to women ). Tender loving care be damned. :) Drastic though it was, it worked in resuscitating the poor unconscious woman who obviously harbors a phobia to her own blood.

Still I gave her some extra midazolam.

Surprisingly after taking the RealAge test, I am younger than I thought. With all my unhealthy living babits, my RealAge is only 22?! Who knew! I'm practically a child still wet behind the ears. But I am supposed to...
- drive a lil slower ( but how can I with so many dawdling idiots on the road? )
- exercise a lot more ( my ISO would be pleased with this acknowledgement )
- reduce red meat in my diet ( how can I?! I love beef! :) )
- take more Vitamin E and tomatoes ( yuck! )
- floss everyday
- need to build an even larger social network ( do you guys count? :) )
- take more time for myself since taking care of other people's health needs can put my own health at risk ( hell, I'm quoting from the plan here! )


grave_creek said...

honey...whats with you and the slaps???seriously ,after slapping Yummy yee on the bum ,you are now starting to slap old women!!! is there some kind of S&M side of you coming out???? should we be expecting you to go into the whole leather and chains regalia??? not that i dont aprecciate a fine man in leather chaps!!roar!!!

savante said...

Never looked at it that way! Damn, I have been getting violent!


savante said...

Hardly old.. she was undergoing a caesarean section! Barely past her twenties actually. And it was a right left slap. I have big hands so it must have had quite an effect because she woke up :)

Sisyphus... requisite fractured ankle?!


Joe said...

blood is ok. it's having to deal with complaining patients that makes me never want to be a doctor.

Anonymous said...

hehe. Funny story, and YES we count damn it!