Monday, November 07, 2005

Falling sky

After catching the hilarious movie ( that simply cannot be missed!! ), someone got me a cute lil Happy Meal Chicken Little toy without realizing my prevailing obsession ( and my fatal weakness, alas! ) - and now, I simply cannot rest until I have the whole collection! Can't help it. I'm a completist. Is there even such a word for a compulsion to finish a set for no particular reason?

Doubt poor Big Bicep Barry knew that he was feeding one of my crazy compulsions when he got me the chicken. He was actually a little perplexed on what I intended to do with the kid's toy since he's more of an adult than me - while I still have a whimsical kid in me. :) The man actually stared at the toy for a full five seconds as I raved maniacally over it.

Guess he's starting to be my enabler. Now I'll have to haunt McDonald's for the next little while - and damn, what would that do for my so-called diet?


Logan said...

The first guy I dated was a completist. But then again, he was also paranoid, stingy, and quick to alienate everybody just so he could get his kicks out of obsessing over whatever he was collecting. Fingers crossed that you're nothing like him. :-)

Petie said...

Take the picture of the toy with your phone or digital camera and post it please? :)

McD have this rather cruel localizing toy... Sometimes each country have their own specialties that's not available else where

Musang said...

Barry is a nice boy...

Give him a reward.

Anonymous said...

So Big Bicep Barry has become a regular in the cast of characters in your life?

How cool is that!

Anonymous said...

Barry gave you the chicken toy? Yes, he is a sweet guy ... and sounds like he really is going sweet on you! ;o)

Mark said...

BBB is giving you gifts?

Bitch is right - he definitely needs a reward :-D

Anonymous said...

Lol, it might be obsessive compulsive personality disorder or something like that. Coming from your need to be PERFECT, and so to have a PERFECT collection.

It's quite cute tho, ;)

Anonymous said...

An enabler! My he must be enabling you indeed *wicked grin*

Anonymous said...

lol. A groan man with chickens! hehe. Perhaps BBB knew exactly what he was doing.

savante said...

Hope I'm not that psychotic yet, logan :)

Pete, a picture? Coming up soon.. if I manage to tweak around with it. Hell, I haven't even gotten my Turkey pictures up yet.

Musang and Darien. He has a reward. I bought the movie tickets :) He probably didn't know what to do with the toy.. he's more of an adult than I am.

Brian, he is a regular somewhat. A movie buff is always a regular.

ru, he is sweet, definitely a sweeter guy than I am. I can be a lil meanie. Sweet on me? :O Not even sure he swings our way.

James, it IS a disease! :)

weeshiong, he is an enabler.. making my crazy obsessions worse. You haven't seen my matching plates and saucers... my matching book collection - arranged according to colour...It's freakish.

lost, a perfect guy would disgust me :) He's a good guy.

bren, you should have said a grown man with cocks. :)
