Wednesday, December 06, 2006

That Devil in Me

For those who actually do read this blog on a semi-regular basis ( and I sincerely thank the both of you, Calvin - and oh yeah, that dedicated nomad in Ulan Bator :) ), you'd know that every once in a while that peculiar devil in me just comes to the fore, making me do the strangest things.

Strange medical syndrome and I actually blame it on a particularly strict religious upbringing ( bwahahaha! ) and restrictive societal mores. So when the going gets tough, I start rolling a little oft-kilter. While the occasional conservative Malay runs amok or turns hysterics when the world's seemingly falling down, I mysteriously transform into Psycho Paul. Thankfully it's not of the maniacally cackling, bloody chainsaw wielding variety but more of the wacky crazy dude sort... which is exactly what happened when Strapping Shane happened to make a passing comment that his mother is curious about the disreputable company he keeps.

Shane : Maybe my mom would like to meet your for dinner. See that I'm in good hands.
Paul : Good hands?

Apart from having vividly illicit fantasies about adventurous hands and Strapping Shane, I also sensed the wickedly impulsive devil in me stirring. Why else do I have a sudden near-irresistible urge to don a flashy lemon-yellow wig, a scarlet mini and matching skyscraper stilletos and go with a flattering swish in my walk to meet Strapping Shane's doting mom?

No wonder Shane warned me to be casual. You think he noticed the horns sprouting on my head?


That Girl said...


Anonymous said...

If that's the case - I might as well serve Dashing Daniel on a silver platter for mom to meet. That would merit me a grounding so long that I would never see daylight.


Jon said...

A doctor doing that? Nah. I don't think so.

But it's cute to know if you dare.

Anonymous said...

do it, Paul. do it! hehehe...

Anonymous said...

Eeyagh! That's not the kind of impression I was hoping for!

(On a sliver platter? Oooh, bad images alert )

Anonymous said...


that was a good read there...
have to admit sometimes the doctor in us just comes why is that? lol


Anonymous said...

oops dat devil is jackyle or hyde? growing horns too? bad devil u r. :P

Anonymous said...

lemon-yellow wig? wouldn't that be a faux pas? LOL!

hrugaar said...

Yes, the skyscraper stilletos would be a bit much. The rest might pass for your usual casual wear la. ;oP

Sound Hooker said...

sassier... hotter... sexier...

Believe the Hype...



Francis Ford Faggola said...

When I read your title, I thought the devil was actually in you... ya know, like... um, I gotta get my mind out of the gutter... :P

savante said...

Well, I always am, graxgurl :)

FReaked you out, didn't I, shane?

Depends on the time of day. Usually I wouldn't dare at all but every once ina while, I do something oddly insane, jon.

We'll see how it goes but I think Shane would strangle me - and he is a growing boy, shah.

Dan on a silver platter. Kinky.

IT's utterly weird, marc.

Definitely Jekyll and Hyde. Much too weird, cibetronic.

Way too garish, I know but it would make an impression, ian.

Wish it was my casual wear, ru :)

Ooh. New blog. WIll drop by soon.

You dirty boy, holden :)
