Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Truth about Cats & Dogs

I'm starting to think that boys are far more susceptible to overblown romance than girls.

Can already hear the loud, vociferous protests from the macho guys out there! But seriously, just take a moment to think about it. Who writes sickly sweet, schmaltzy stanzas for their beloved? Who sends posies of rosebuds tied up with pink bows? Who makes grand gestures of love with fireworks, champagne and sky-written messages? Not to mention cards full of hearts-and-flowers with mirrors in 'em :)

Trust me, it's usually the guys who go all out when it comes to dizzying courtship.

Even reasonably sensible, down-to-earth fellas get a bit crazy cuckoo when they finally fall heads over heels! Abandoning all sense of pride and self, these fellas literally go out on a limb - risking it all - trying to woo their loved ones. While the girls are usually able to distance themselves to look at their relationship critically, these boys are usually so carried away by their emotions that they can hardly think straight.

In a matter of speaking.

Jake : Believe me, I love you. Come with me.
Lily : Hmm... let me sleep on it.

Trust me, I've seen enough lovelorn, acne-ridden teenage boys back in school to know! Though I'm sure their oblivious lady loves never had a clue to how much they agonized over writing just a simple message. Hours scratching their heads just to come up with the perfect birthday gift. Faced with such unabashed romance, even a hardened cynic like me can't help but feel mushy inside sometimes.

So how can I not melt when a determined fella drunkdials a sweet sentimental message to a friend of mine? For instance let's say a guy sends you a message like this.

Jake : We're miles apart, my love. There is a woman here who's perfect for me, just the woman I should marry but I can't. You're crazy. You're maddening. You're everything that's wrong for me. But you're the one I love.

Okay, I condensed his message just a little so the immediate swoon effect is a little lost. But if a guy had sent me such a persuasive heartfelt response, I swear I would have immediately booked passage to wherever he was! Whether it be Alaska or New Guinea.

And damn the consequences.

Jake : We're miles apart, my love. There is a woman here who's perfect for me, just the woman I should marry but I can't. You're crazy. You're maddening. You're everything that's wrong for me. But you're the one I love.
Paul : Dump the cow. I'm on the next flight. Wait for me.

Me, I zoomed right in on the heart of the message disregarding the petty lil details. That other woman? Nah, no matter - I'm sure I'd be able to deal with such trivialities. Obviously I'm by far the more impulsive one - since my friend had a far different answer prepared. In a far less cordial tone.

Jake : We're miles apart, my love. There is a woman here who's perfect for me, just the woman I should marry but I can't. You're crazy. You're maddening. You're everything that's wrong for me. But you're the one I love.
Lily : Who is this other woman!

See that! Now, that's a girl for you :)


Prash said...

Who writes sickly sweet, schmaltzy stanzas for their beloved? Who sends posies of rosebuds tied up with pink bows? Who makes grand gestures of love with fireworks, champagne and sky-written messages? Not to mention cards full of hearts-and-flowers with mirrors in 'em :)

That's because they have to please the women to get into her pants...if the women are satisfied with a little sorry and please...I think men won't go for the trouble of doing this...On the other hand, I think men are very insecure and very sensitive on certain issues...ya

Janvier said...

Lily strikes directly to the heart of the matter! Jake's covering up and sweeping dirt under the carpet!

Legolas said...

This sounds like the case of you-know-who...

Alice said...

Well, then again, it depends on the level of sensitivity of a particular person though. Men are getting more sensitive these days compared to women.Vice Versa. Hell i believe with such cultures we are all practicing today, i'm sure almost 70% of everyone is sensitive out there. Lily are those insecure types. There are ladies who doesn't like fancy words at a long run, hence the existence of sensitive men.

Anonymous said...

It only happens for the sake of getting into one's pants! so I totally agree with Prash!
Guys know these are diabetic words to a girl's ear. Heard it too many times it doesn't mean much anymore...

H.a.M.s.A.p said...

I like the "dump the cow" bit..hilarious ~ ^^

savante said...

Yeah, insecurity is big on some guys, prash!

Sure or not! Don't scare Lily, janvier!

It as you-know-who. Hopefully she doesn't see this, leggy :P

Gasp. Don't let Lily hear that, leo :P

But isn't getting into one's pants the greatest plan ever, fab fee?

Well, I would certainly say that, hamsap.
