Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Modern Fairy Tale

Things were simple way back then in fairy tale world. After the dazzling ball at midnight, Cinderella certainly didn't expect to pay the mounting bills for the savoury canapes, her rat-like attendants and the rental for the magical pumpkin carriage.

Even her ugly stepsisters probably managed to score a free meal off their unfortunate dates.

But these days, modern-day fairy tale princesses should probably hide some spare change in their purses. And a credit card. Just in case Prince Charming feels like welshing on the date.

Hmm.. should I pay?

And expecting to go cheap halfsies on dinner.

Cinderella : Such a wonderful magical night it has been. Just everything I've dreamt of.
Prince : Umm, Cindy?
Cinderella : Yes, oh sweet prince?
Prince : The bill is here. I'm a lil short. Could you help?
Cinderella : And how would I do that? Does it look like I have a magical purse in my enchanted skintight mini?
Prince : Borrow from your rat-butlers? Maybe pawn off your glass slipper?
Cinderella : Ooops, look at the time. It's close to midnight. I gotta run. Have lots of sewing, cleaning and washing early tomorrow!

Seriously. Is that how straight men wine and dine these days?

Back in the heterosexual day, I was actually brought up to treat ladies like a gentleman - and unfortunately that involves forking out the payment ( despite the fact that they nibble like anorexic socialites ). Well at least in the beginning of that beautiful friendship. Possibly one of the reasons I freaked, turned tail and went down the gay road instead.

Supposedly in these enlightened times, modern-day princesses are expected to split the bill. Gonna be hard digging through those magical ballgowns to find the enchanted purse spun out of gossamer dreams. Even then the purses usually come up empty.

Flighty fairy godmothers don't exactly plan for such unprecedented eventualities.

Thought only gay men would find themselves in such a dating conundrum since it's hard to decide who's to settle when two guys are at the table. Doubt even Miss Manners has a gay guide to that. Then it usually comes down to a complex calculation involving age, financial standing, incipient sugar-daddyism, bottom-top status etc. Oh, and the ever so simple question of who actually initiated the date.


RPMnut said...

He asks, he pays. It's only right. :)

.:: Ant ::. said...

Great way to find out the other's character even on the very 1st date. The eat-a-lot-then-sit-and-look-upto-the-sky-waitin'-for-a-windfall kind is a real turnoff!


Janvier said...

We'd think that if two gay guys were traditionalists, the gentleman payer would be top.

V said...

we would rather split the bill~

NotHamsap said...

Take turn. Even if we go dutch I will let the other guy to pay at the table and pay him back afterward. talking about gentleman.

Anonymous said...

didn know top-bottom plays a role in this, then who still wanna b top? unfair issntit...
split the bill or take turn would b much nicer :)

Cheryl said...

these days straight men will wait for the girl to pay le!

normally when i dine with other gay men and i am the one the waiter bringing the bill to. :S Unfair!

Anonymous said...

Do u have facebook?
Can i befriend u?

savante said...

That's my adage as well, Nut! Unless I'm going out with a Arabian sheikh. :P

Also true, anton. That does show some true colours.

Muahaha. That's what we would all figure, janvier.

Depends, B and NotHamsap. Sometimes I will pay.

Happy, I usually go by who asks, who pays.

Well Cheryl, what can I say :)

Sure, send me a buzz on my email, yik yang.