Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kanye Who?

Gotta admit I've never been much of a fan of rap. Listen to most everything else from country to jazz but somehow rap music always makes me wince. Perhaps it's the crude verses frequently slipped into the improvs. Perhaps it's the inherent association with the violent gangsta lifestles of disenchanted inner city youths.

Perhaps it's just that I dislike their overly exploitative videos full of booze, boobs and bling.

Still I've been recently converted to the pack. Before you start jeering, just hold on a minute and take a listen to what Will Schuester and his students in the Glee Club have done to the song Gold Digger by slick rapper Kanye West.

Seriously. Doesn't it make you want to become a Gleek?

These kids are lucky enough to find a teacher that enthusiastic! If I recall mine back in school, half of them could barely stand up ( stricken with arthritis, broken ankles and failing hearts ) and the other half were far too busy calling up their remisiers to find their fortune. Certainly too busy to attend to their students.

Although we did have a pretty good music mistress - who fit exactly the infamous stereotype of the oversized operatic diva! Seriously. A voice that shatters glass. Wait till the fat lady sings. And this huffing-puffing soprano had the unenviable task of schooling a gang of rowdy boys to sing in a choir. Ever tried forcing a bunch of adolescent boys ( with post-pubertal voices breaking ) to reach that Mariah high note?

Diva : Reach for the high! Sing from your diaphragm, boys! Like meeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....
My ISO : I think I just saw her vocal cords.
Paul : The mouth that swallowed Atlantis.
Diva : What's that noise? Quiet! Now, follow me again. Sing! Like meeeeeeee.........
Paul : Like seriously.
My ISO : Umm, Mrs Diva. I think the kid at the corner just fainted from lack of oxygen.
Paul : That Madame Butterly wannabe's not gonna make it to Broadway.
My ISO : Well, fame costs and here's where you start paying with sweat!

Matthew Morrison
Oh yeah, come make me sing.

Perhaps the more robust ( and clearly not soprano ) Mr Schuester would have had better luck.

I'd certainly be ready to listen to his instructions. A sexy teacher who looks that good and moves that well! Don't you just wanna grab a cane, rip that preppy plaid vest right off and shove him onto the teacher's desk? As a student I'd probably be all over him offering to polish that apple of his everyday.

Paul : I've been a bad boy, Mr Schuester.
Mr Schuester : I don't think students are allowed to crawl up on the desk.
Paul : I'm naughty. Spank me a little with that cane of yours.


cYiD said...

loved the 2nd episode...
waited like forever~
looking forward to GG n BnS.

u n ur ISO were in the same school?
i joined the choir in primary school even though had no singing voice...
the teacher was a huge diva too~
lol... *wonders how his teacher is

Kenny Mah said...

"The mouth that swallowed Atlantis."

Now, now. Who's this Atlantis bloke again? LOL.

savante said...

GG should be starting today thankfully :) But I need another nice family drama other than BnS, cYiD!

It was really that big, life :) I could see her vibrating uvula!


Perky said...

I'm such a Gleek. Thanks to you btw. Ever since I saw that Rehab clip on your blog, I've been hooked on to Glee.

I don't download any series from the internet (always opting to buy the dvds) but Glee is the ONLY series that I download. Can't wait for next week's episode! :)