Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Naked & Sacred


Even the word sends a thrill down the spine.

At least it does for me. After all I've never passed for much of a prude. I'll admit there are some guys I'd prefer in their birthday suit all the time. Quite a few patients. Even some friends I've always been curious to see in their altogether. And a couple - let's face it - we'd much prefer fully clothed, in a shapeless black purdah no less. Moi amongst the latter lot of course.

Very few of us get a chance however. To catch friends ( at least those who aren't exhbitionists ) en déshabillé, we'd have to be perverted voyeurs, chic photographers or ... oh yeah, curious doctors.

And quelle surprise I am one.

See me naked? Oh no...!

So yes, I've seen my fair share of nudity. Of either sex. Though I gotta admit when opportunity presents itself, I certainly wouldn't say no, would I? Hell, some surprisingly immodest patients start stripping the minute the door is closed!

Which is why when a cute friend of mine - who I've always been curious about nekkid-wise - came knocking on my door, I opened it.

Cutie : Uhh. I'm coming in to the hospital?
Paul : WTF. Good God, are you okay?
Cutie : Yes, it's just a short, simple procedure.
Paul : On my table.
Cutie : I assume it would be.
Paul : So I finally get you naked on my bed?
Cutie : Uhh.
Paul : Oh baby, I'll be gentle.
Cutie : You better be, it's my first time.

Nervous when he came in to the operating theatre of course. A bit cold under the sheer patient's gown. But he certainly had nothing to be shy about.


Too bad I can't try a poke now that he's my patient. :) Eh, there's always the day of discharge.


Chen Xing said...

Lol, somebody is excitedly waiting for that day to come...Heheh...

DinoRic said...


Easy doctor..easy..

Booker said...

I love how you're so unabashedly naughty about it :D

Go, doc, GO!

Ethan said...

So sexy.. get in there!